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Showing posts with the label COVID 19

Facebook And Google: Going To Talk With Washington To Monitor The Infection: Report

Facebook and Google are considering the idea of using personal data from individuals to monitor and counter the coronavirus outbreak in Washington, the US media reported. The project will include gathering location data from smartphones and remotely tracking the spread of the disease and, for example, forecasting emergency care needs. Google Speaker Johnny Luu claimed in a statement to the Washington Post that they are "exploring ways in which aggregate anonymous localization data will contribute towards combating COVID-19." AFP requests for feedback were not received by the two technology giants. After several controversies–for example, in 2011 when the National Security Agency discovered out it was gathering phone records without permission–the use of personal data in the United States is highly sensitive. Yet there has been supporting for Silicon Valley, after about 50 scientists signed an open letter last week to urges them to act, to use their skill